The following is a timeline of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender related history. [wiki]

Our Story | History of Gay Rights | Extended Chronicle | From Shadows to Sunlight

25th/24th century BCE

7th century BCE

Marriage between men in Greece was not legally recognized, although life-long relationships between adult men was not uncommon. The partnerships between two men in Greece were similar to heterosexual marriages in that generally there was about a generation difference in age and the older person served as the educator or mentor. [2]

Much of Sappho's work was later destroyed by Christians. Later writings by Plato credit Sappho for inventing the Mixolydian mode (a type of musical scale).

5th century BCE

  • 425 BCE- 388 BCE A series of satires published by Aristophanes ridicule the effeminate man, the transvestite, and adult males who enjoyed the passive sexual role. This provides evidence that although Greek culture was accepting of homosexuality, they did not accept effeminate males. Effeminacy in men was publicly ridiculed. [3]

4th century BCE

  • 385 BCE Plato's Symposium is published. Plato argues that love between males is the highest form and that sex with women is lustful and only for means of reproduction. Only with men, can the Greek male reach their full intellectual potential.
  • 350 BCE Plato publishes Laws in which he takes a drastically different approach than in Symposium. Here homosexuality is critiqued as being lustful and wrong for society because it does not further the species and may lead to irresponsible citizenry. [3]

1st century BCE

The Roman Empire is a time in which art and literature depict homosexual love in a positive light. Romans, like the Greeks, celebrated love and sex amongst men. Two Roman Emperors publicly married men, some had gay lovers themselves, and homosexual prostitution was taxed. However, like the Greeks, passivity and effeminacy were not tolerated, and an adult male freeborn Roman could lose their citizen status if caught performing fellatio or being penetrated. [3]

1st century

  • 54Nero becomes Emperor of Rome. Nero married two men in legal ceremonies, with at least one spouse accorded the same honours as a Caesar's wife.[6]
  • 98Trajan, one of the most beloved of Roman emperors, begins his reign. Trajan was well known for his homosexuality and fondness for young males. This was used to advantage by the king of Edessa, Abgarus, who, after incurring the anger of Trajan for some misdeed, sent his handsome young son to make his apologies, thereby obtaining pardon. [7]

2nd century

  • 130 – Emperor Hadrian's beloved Antinous drowns in the Nile, and upon Hadrian's death, Antinous was deified[citation needed]. He is actually the last non-imperial human to be deified[citation needed]. Antinous' likeness is found on numerous statues; he is often believed to have one of the most recognizable faces from antiquity[citation needed].

3rd century

  • 218 – The emperor Elagabalus begins his reign. He married a man named Zoticus, an athlete from Smyrna, in a lavish public ceremony at Rome amid the rejoicings of the public.[8]

Emperor Phillip tries and fails to outlaw homosexual prostitution. [3]

4th century

  • 305- 306 Council of Elvira (now Granada, Spain). This council was representative of the Western European Church and among other things, it barred homosexuals the right to Communion.
  • 314 Council of Ancyra (now Ankara, Turkey). This council was representative of the Eastern European Church and it excluded the Sacraments for 15 years to unmarried men under the age of 20 who were caught in homosexual acts, and excluded the man for life if he was married and over the age of 50.
  • 390 – In the year 390, the Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be burned alive in front of the public. [10]
  • 390- 405 Nonnus' Dionysiaca is the last piece of literature for nearly 1,000 years to celebrate homosexual passion. [3]

5th century

  • 498 – In spite of the laws against gay sex, the Christian emperors continued to collect taxes on male prostitutes until the reign of Anastasius I, who finally abolishes the tax in favor of sampling of the best men.[11]

6th century

  • 589 – The Visigothic kingdom in Spain, is converted from Arianism to Catholicism. This conversion leads to a revision of the law to conform to those of Catholic countries. These revisions include provisions for the persecution of gays and Jews.[13]

7th Century

  • 693 Visigothic Ruler King Egica demanded that a Church council confront the problem of homosexuality in the Kingdom. The Toledan Council issued a statement in response, which was adopted by Egica, stating that homosexual acts be punished by castration, exclusion from Communion, hair shearing, one hundred stripes of the lash, and be banished into exile. [3]

9th century

11th Century

  • 1007 The Decretum of Burchard equates homosexual acts with other sexual transgressions such as adultery and argues, therefore, that it should have the same penance (generally fasting).[3]

12th century

  • 1140 The Italian Monk Gratian compiles his work Concordia discordantium canonum in which he argues that sodomy is the worst of all the sexual sins because it involves using the member in an unnatural way.[3]

13th century

  • 1250–1300 – "Between 1250 and 1300, homosexual activity passed from being completely legal in most of Europe to incurring the death penalty in all but a few contemporary legal compilations." — John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality (1980) p. 293. Other historians dispute Boswell's claim, however[citation needed].
  • 1260 In France, 1st offending sodomites lost their testicles, 2nd offenders lost their member, and 3rd offenders were burned. Women caught in same-sex acts could be mutilated and executed as well.[3]
  • 1265 Thomas Aquinas argues that sodomy is second only to murder in the ranking of sins.[3]
  • 1283 French Civil Code dictated that convicted sodomites not only were burned but that their property was forfeited.

14th century

  • 1327 – The deposed King Edward II of England is killed, allegedly by forcing a red-hot poker through his rectum. Edward II had a history of conflict with the nobility, who repeatedly banished his former lover Piers Gaveston, the Earl of Cornwall[citation needed].
  • 1370s – Jan van Aersdone and Willem Case were two men executed in Antwerp in the 1370s. The charge against them was gay sex, which was illegal and strenuously vilified in medieval Europe. Aersdone and Case stand out because records of their names have survived. One other couple still known by name from the 14th century were Giovanni Braganza and Nicoleto Marmagna of Venice.[14]
  • Dante's Inferno places sodomites in the 7th Circle

15th Century

  • 1432- 1502 In a 70 year span, the Florentine Officers of the Night tried over 15,000 men and convicted over 2,000 of sodomy. Sodomy had begun to be equated with treason.
  • 1476 Leonardo Da Vinci is charged with sodomy but no verdict was rendered in his trial.
  • 1483 The Spanish Inquisition begins. Sodomites were stoned, castrated, and burned. Between 1540 and 1700, more than 1,600 people were prosecuted for sodomy. [3]

16th century

17th century

18th century

  • 1721Catherina Margaretha Linck is executed for female sodomy in Germany.
  • 1726Mother Clap's molly house in London is raided by police, resulting in Clap's death and the execution at Tyburn of all the men arrested.[citation needed]
  • Between 1730 and 1811, a widespread panic in the Dutch Republic leads to a spectacular series of trials for sodomy, with persecutions at their most severe from 1730 to 1737, 1764, 1776, and from 1795 to 1798.[citation needed]
  • 1779USA- In 1779 Thomas Jefferson prepared a draft of Virginia’s criminal statute, envisaging that the punishment for sodomy should be castration. See Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew A. Lipscomb, ed. (Washington, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904) Vol. I, pp. 226–27, from Jefferson’s “For Proportioning Crimes and Punishments.”

The bill read: “Whosoever shall be guilty of rape, polygamy, or sodomy with a man or woman, shall be punished; if a man, by castration, a woman, by boring through the cartilage of her nose a hole of one half inch in diameter at the least.” (Virginia Bill number 64; authored by Jefferson; June 18, 1779).

19th century

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, 1825–1895, a pioneer of LGBT rights

20th century


  • 1903 – In New York on February 21, 1903, New York police conducted the first United States recorded raid on a gay bathhouse, the Ariston Hotel Baths. 26 men were arrested and 12 brought to trial on sodomy charges; 7 men received sentences ranging from 4 to 20 years in prison.[20]
  • 1906 – Potentially the first openly gay American novel, Imre, is published.[3]
  • 1907Adolf Brand, the activist leader of the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen, working to overturn Paragraph 175, publishes a piece "outing" the imperial chancellor of Germany, Prince Bernhard von Bülow. The Prince sues Brand for libel and clears his name; Brand is sentenced to 18 months in prison.[21]
  • 1907–1909Harden-Eulenburg Affair in Germany[22]


  • 1910Emma Goldman first begins speaking publicly in favor of homosexual rights. Magnus Hirschfeld later wrote "she was the first and only woman, indeed the first and only American, to take up the defense of homosexual love before the general public."[23]

    May 14, 1928 issue of German lesbian periodical Die Freundin (Friedrich Radszuweit)
  • 1913 – The word faggot is first used in print in reference to gays in a vocabulary of criminal slang published in Portland, Oregon: "All the fagots [sic] (sissies) will be dressed in drag at the ball tonight".
  • 1917 – The October Revolution in Russia repeals the previous criminal code in its entirety — including Article 995.[25][26]
  • 1919 – In Berlin, Germany, Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld co-founds the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sex Research), a pioneering private research institute and counseling office. Its library of thousands of books was destroyed by Nazis in May, 1933.[27][28][29]


  • 1920 – The word Gay is used for the first time in reference to homosexual in the Underground.
  • 1921 – In England an attempt to make lesbianism illegal for the first time in Britain's history fails.
  • 1922 – A new criminal code comes into force in the USSR officially decriminalizing homosexual acts.
  • 1923 – The word fag is first used in print in reference to gays in Nels Anderson's The Hobo: "Fairies or Fags are men or boys who exploit sex for profit."
  • 1924 – The first homosexual rights organization in America is founded in ChicagoThe Society for Human Rights. The movement exists for a few months before being ended by the police. Panama, Paraguay and Peru legalize homosexuality.
  • 1926 – The New York Times is the first major publication to use the word homosexuality.[3]
  • 1927 (approximate date)– The Pansy Craze, a period in the late 1920s and early 1930s in which gay clubs and performers (known as pansy performers) experienced a surge in underground popularity in the United States, begins.
  • 1928The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall is published in the UK and later in the United States. This sparks great legal controversy and brings the topic of homosexuality to public conversation.
  • 1929 – On May 22, Katharine Lee Bates, author of America the Beautiful dies. On October 16, a Reichstag Committee votes to repeal Paragraph 175; the Nazis' rise to power prevents the implementation of the vote.



  • 1940Iceland decriminalizes homosexuality.
  • 1941Transsexuality was first used in reference to homosexuality and bisexuality.
  • 1942Switzerland decriminalizes homosexuality, with the age of consent set at 20.
  • 1944Sweden decriminalizes homosexuality, with the age of consent set at 20 and Suriname legalizes homosexuality.
  • 1945 – Upon the liberation of Nazi concentration camps by Allied forces, those interned for homosexuality are not freed, but required to serve out the full term of their sentences under Paragraph 175; Portugal decriminalises homosexuality for the second time in its history.
  • Four honorably discharged gay veterans form the Veterans Benevolent Association, the first LGBT veterans' group.[30]
  • 1946 – "COC" (Dutch acronym for "Center for Culture and Recreation"), one of the earliest homophile organizations, is founded in the Netherlands. It is the oldest surviving LGBT organization.
  • 1947Vice Versa, the first North American LGBT publication, is written and self-published by Lisa Ben in Los Angeles.
  • 1948 – "Forbundet af 1948" ("League of 1948"), a homosexual group, is formed in Denmark.
  • 1948 – The communist authorities of Poland make age 15 the age of consent for all sexual acts, homosexual or heterosexual.


Mattachine Review published by the Mattachine Society


  • 1961Czechoslovakia and Hungary decriminalize sodomy; the Vatican declare that anyone who is "affected by the perverse inclination" towards homosexuality should not be allowed to take religious vows or be ordained within the Roman Catholic Church; The Rejected, the first documentary on homosexuality, is broadcast on KQED TV in San Francisco on 11 September 1961; José Sarria becomes the first openly gay candidate for public office in the United States when he runs for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.[32]
  • 1962Illinois becomes first U.S. state to remove sodomy law from its criminal code.[citation needed]
  • 1963Israel decriminalizes de-facto sodomy and sexual acts between men by judicial decision against the enforcement of the relevant section in the old British-mandate law from 1936 (which in fact was never enforced).[citation needed]
  • 1964Canada sees its first gay-positive organization, ASK, and first gay magazines: ASK Newsletter (in Vancouver), and Gay (by Gay Publishing Company of Toronto). Gay was the first periodical to use the term 'Gay' in the title and expanded quickly, including outstripping the distribution of American publications under the name Gay International. These were quickly followed by Two (by Gayboy (later Kamp) Publishing Company of Toronto).[33][34]
  • 1965Everett George Klippert is arrested for private, consensual sex with men. After being assessed "incurably homosexual", he is sentenced to an indefinite "preventive detention" as a dangerous sexual offender. This was considered by many Canadians to be extremely homophobic, and prompted sympathetic articles in Maclean's and The Toronto Star, eventually leading to increased calls for reform in Canada, passed in 1969[citation needed]. Conservatively dressed gays and lesbians demonstrate outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1965. This was the first in a series of Annual Reminders that took place through 1969.
  • 1966 – The Mattachine Society stages a "Sip-In" at Julius Bar in New York City challenging a New York State Liquor Authority prohibiting serving alcohol to gays.
  • 1966 – The National Planning Conference of Homophile Organizations is established (to became NACHO — North American Conference of Homophile Organizations later that year).
  • 1966 – The Compton's Cafeteria Riot]] occurred in August 1966 in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco. This incident was the first recorded transgender riot in United States history, preceding the more famous 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City by three years.
  • 1967Chad decriminalizes homosexuality; The Sexual Offences Act 1967 decriminalises male homosexual behaviour in England and Wales; The book "Homosexual Behavior Among Males" by Wainwright Churchill breaks ground as a scientific study approaching homosexuality as a fact of life and introduces the term "homoerotophobia", a possible precursor to "homophobia"; The Oscar Wilde Bookshop, the world's first homosexual-oriented bookstore, opens in New York City; "Our World" ("Nuestro Mundo"), the first Latino-American homosexual group, is created in Argentina; A raid on the Black Cat Tavern in Los Angeles, California promotes homosexual rights activity. The Student Homophile League at Columbia University is the first institutionally recognized gay student group in the United States.[citation needed]
  • 1968 – Paragraph 175 is eased in East Germany decriminalizing homosexual acts over the age of 18; Bulgaria decriminalizes adult homosexual relations.

The purple handprint became a symbol of gay liberation in 1969, following a San Francisco newspaper dumping purple ink on members of the Gay Liberation Front protesting their offices.


Gay rights protesters in New York City, protesting at the United States' 1976 Democratic National Convention

Original eight-color version of the LGBT pride flag




  • 2000 – The United Kingdom's ban on homosexuals serving in the armed forces is abolished and Clause 2A is repealed in Scotland; the former USSR states of Azerbaijan and Georgia legalize homosexual acts; Gabon decriminalize homosexuality; the age of consent is equalised in the United Kingdom, Belarus, and Israel; The Bundestag officially apologizes to gays and lesbians persecuted under the Nazi regime, and for "harm done to homosexual citizens up to 1969"; Vermont becomes the first U.S. state to legalize civil unions; Israel recognizes same-sex relations for immigration purposes for a foreign partner of an Israeli resident.

21st century


  • 2001 – Same-sex marriage is legalized in the Netherlands, making it the first country to do so; The state of Arizona repeals its sodomy law; Albania and Liechtenstein equalize the age of consent; Finland and Germany enacts registered partnership legislation; Protesters disrupt the first Pride march in Belgrade; and the rest of the United Kingdom's territories legalize homosexuality[citation needed].
  • 2002Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Western Australia all equalize their age of consent; both Romania and Costa Rica repeal "scandalous sodomy" provisions in the Penal Code; Sweden legalizes adoption for same-sex couples; Zurich extends marriage-like rights to same-sex couples; openly gay Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is assassinated by Volkert van der Graaf; homosexuality is decriminalized in China; a civil unions law is passed in Buenos Aires, making it the first Latin-American city to legalize same-sex unions. The Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down anti-sodomy laws in Jegley v. Picado[citation needed].
  • 2003Belize recriminalizes homosexuality; Section 28 is repealed in England and Wales; In Lawrence v. Texas, on 26 June 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down remaining state sodomy laws; Armenia decriminalizes male homosexual sodomy; Lithuania, the Northern Territory and New South Wales all equalize their age of consent; same-sex marriage in Belgium is legalized; Germany's Supreme Court upholds the country's civil union[citation needed]Same-sex marriage legalized in Canadian provinces British Columbia and Ontario.
  • 2004 – In Tasmania, the Relationships Act 2003 providing a registered partnership becomes effective from January 1, 2004; Cape Verde and Marshall Islands legalize homosexuality, both from February 1, 2004; Portugal is the fourth country in the world to protect people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in their Constitution; Massachusetts legalizes same-sex marriage while eleven other U.S. states ban the practice through public referendums; Domestic partnerships are legalized in New Jersey; Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil accepts civil unions; Australia bans same-sex marriage on the August 13, 2004; New Zealand provides passes a civil union bill; Luxembourg introduces civil partnerships; Same-sex marriages in Belgium get adoption rights and are equal to marriage. James McGreevey becomes the first openly gay Governor in U.S. history[citation needed].
  • 2005New Zealand is the first nation in the world to outlaw hate crime and employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity; Puerto Rico repeals anti-sodomy law; Hong Kong age of consent equalized through legal ruling;[43][dead link] Uganda and Latvia amend their constitutions to prohibit same-sex marriage; Same-sex marriage is legalized in Spain and Canada (together with adoption); Andorra recognizes same-sex partners in "Stable Unions"; Two gay male teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, are executed in Iran; Switzerland votes in favor of extending rights for registered same-sex couples; South Africa's Supreme Court rules that it is unconstitutional to ban same-sex marriages, legalizing same-sex marriage effective December 1, 2006; André Boisclair is chosen leader of the Parti Québécois, becoming the first openly gay man elected as the leader of a major political party in North America. UK introduces civil partnerships with rights all but equal to marriage; Maine adds sexual orientation and gender identity to existing anti-discrimination laws[citation needed].
  • 2006Serbia and Isle of Man equalized the age of consent;[44] Illinois outlaws sexual orientation discrimination; Washington adds sexual orientation to its existing anti-discrimination laws; Missouri legalizes homosexuality between consenting adults;[45] The first homosexual pride march in Moscow ends with violence; The first regional Eastern European Pride is held in Zagreb, Croatia; The United States Senate fails to pass the Federal Marriage Amendment; The International Conference on LGBT Human Rights is held in Montreal; The Czech Republic and Slovenia introduce civil partnerships; Mexico City introduces civil unions; South Africa legalizes same-sex marriage; The Israeli High Court orders Israeli law to recognize same-sex marriages performed abroad; Fiji legalizes consensual homosexuality[46] and Germany includes gender identity in anti-discrimination law;[47] South Australia the only state left in Australia to enact most laws that includes all couples;[48] Another section 28 "successfully repealed" in Isle of Man[49] and the Faroe Islands make sexual orientation discrimination illegal by a narrow vote of 17:15.[50] Human Rights Campaign, 2006 Summary of legislative issues in each state of USA
  • 2007Registered partnership takes effect in Switzerland; age of consent equalized in Jersey and Vanuatu;[51][52] homosexuality is decrimilized in two out of three New Zealand territories (Cook Islands refuses to decrimilize male homosexuality); in New Jersey and Coahuila, Mexico civil unions law come into effect; The first ever gay pride parade in a Muslim country was held in Istanbul, Turkey See video; domestic partnership law comes into effect in South Australia on June 1, 2007 and in Washington state on July 22, 2007; "Equality Act 2006". Archived from the original on 2007-12-20. comes into force for the UK (with provisions protecting people from discrimination in goods and services on the grounds of sexual orientation and establishing the Commission for Equality and Human Rights[dead link]). Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, and Iowa ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the private sector. On August 9, 2007, the Logo cable channel hosts the first presidential forum in the United States focusing specifically on LGBT issues. Six Democratic Party candidates participate in the event. GOP candidates were asked to attend but turned it down. Nepal make homosexuality legal, by Supreme Court orders; Portugal and South Africa equal age of consent come into force from a new Penal Code. On November 29, the first foreign gay wedding has been hold in Hanoi, Vietnam between a japanese and an irish national. The wedding raised much attention in the gay and lesbian community in Vietnam.[53]
  • 2008 – The "civil union" law goes into effect in New Hampshire and Uruguay on January 1, 2008 and "domestic partnership" legislation in Oregon came into effect in February 4. Both Nicaragua and Panama legalizes homosexuality - With an equal age of consent, under a new Penal Code coming into effect; Kosovo declares to be an international country with a new constitution that includes "sexual orientation" the first of its kind in Eastern Europe, and the Registered partnership legislation called the Relationships Act 2008 will come into effect from December 1, 2008 in Victoria (Australia) and the Australian Capital Territory will provide a Civil Partnership called the Civil Partnership Act 2008 will commence from November 15, 2008. On May 15, 2008, the California State Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples equal marriage rights, thus making California the second state to legalize same-sex marriage. However, Proposition 8 passes in November, eliminating the right of same-sex couples to marry. In May, Portland voters elect Sam Adams (Oregon politician) mayor, making it the largest city in the US with an openly-gay mayor. Portland is about three times the size of the next-largest city with an out mayor, Providence, Rhode Island. On June 3 the first two same sex civil marriages (two men and two women)take place in Greece on the island of Tilos. The supreme court prosecutor and the minister of Justice claim the marriages are null and void; France recognises same-sex marriages (but does not allow them to be performed); Same-sex marriage becomes legal in Connecticut, the third state in the USA. Arkansas voters pass Act 1, banning adoption by same-sex couples.
  • 2009 – SSMs law in Norway and Northern Cyprus legalizes male homosexuality by a new Criminal Code, effective from January 1, 2009[citation needed]. On February 1, 2009, Iceland elected the first openly gay head of government in the world, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir.[54] On March 27, 2009, it was reported that Japan has given the green light for its nationals to marry same-sex foreign partners in countries where gay marriage is legal.[55] On March 10, 2009, in Tel Aviv, Uzi Even and his life partner was the first same-sex male couple in Israel whose right of adoption has been legally acknowledged.[56] Iowa and Vermont become the 3rd and 4th American states to allow same sex marriage.[57][58] On May 1, same-sex marriage becomes legal in Sweden.[59] Vermont became the 1st state in the Union to permit same-sex marriage by going through a legislative vote, as opposed to a Judicial challenge.Colorado from 1 July 2009, allows certain domestic partner rights (such as health insurance and property rights for unmarried (including same-gender couples); Hungary's Registered Partnership Bill 2009 passes the Paliament, which comes into force from 1 July 2009 (it does not include marriage, surnames, adoption, IVF and surrogacy). On May 6, Gay Marriage Law signed in Maine.[60] Finland allows same-sex couples the legal right to adopt a biological child (no full joint adoption)[61] also the US state of Washington provides domestic partnerships in all areas of statute law.[62] 26 May, 2009: California Supreme Court upholds Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriage in November 2008, with a 6-1 vote.[63] Nevada legally provides a domestic partnership from 1 October, 2009. The Canadian province of Alberta becomes the last province to include the words "sexual orientation" in the Human Rights Act [64]. New Hampshire legalizes civil marriage for same-sex couples (eff. 1/1/2010). Colorado allows certain rights for same-sex couples; Wisconsin legally provides a limited number of rights within a domestic partnership (eff. 8/3/2009); Delaware outlaws sexual orientation discrimination. India decriminalises gay sex between consenting adults;[65] District of Columbia recognises same-sex marriage, however can not be performed (just like New York).

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